If you depend on your truck, you can’t afford to have it break down, especially when it’s your work truck. Having your truck break down can put you out of work; that’s why it’s crucial that you spend time on the maintenance. You know to get the oil changed whenever the dashboard warning light illuminates. However, there are some maintenance issues that don’t have dashboard warning lights. Unfortunately, that makes it difficult to keep on top of all the things that can go wrong with your truck.…
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If you’ve been having problems with your brakes, but you can see that the pads, shoes, drums and rotors look fine, then you could be having problem with your brake hardware. Many people don’t think about these seemingly unimportant metal and rubber pieces, but they are vital to your car’s safety and functionality. Faulty hardware can not only cause brake problems, but can cause damage to other components as well. Here is more information about brake hardware, what it does, and how you can tell if something is going wrong.…
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From the time you were a teenager, someone in your life taught you that you have enough tire tread if you can insert a penny in the tread and it reaches close to Lincoln’s beard (if the penny is upside-up). Okay, well, that may work great on new tires from tire dealers, but it should not be the standard all the time. Here are some valid reasons why.
Not All Tires Wear the Same…
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