Deciding To Decode Your Car

Signs That Your Transmission Is Having Trouble

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The transmission in your car is basically an automatic gear shifter that keeps your car running smoothly. It is generally under warranty for 100,000 miles, and with good maintenance, it can last even longer. There are signs that indicate your transmission isn’t working as well as it should. If the transmission light goes on or you see a fluid leak in your driveway, it’s important to get these problems checked out to keep your transmission from failing.…

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3 Common Causes Of Serious Transmission Problems

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An automobile is made up of many parts and systems that allow it to operate properly. While all parts have an important function, it can be argued that the transmission is one of the most important parts in a car. Your vehicle’s transmission is responsible for transferring power to the drive train and also ensuring that your vehicle shifts gear properly. In addition to being one of the most important parts in a car, the transmission is also quite expensive to replace, so most people want to keep their car’s transmission working for as long as possible.…

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Don't Wait To Get Brake Service When You Experience These Problems

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When it comes to the brakes on your car, they are vital to your safety. If you are the type to ignore a warning light, this is not a good idea when it comes to a brake light. Your brakes can give out over time, as when the pads wear down, or they can cut out fast if your brake line is cut or clogged. To stay safe on the road while driving, you need to get your brake fluid level checked and the brake pads inspected any time you are having a problem with how your brakes are working.…

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