Deciding To Decode Your Car

Chill Out: Signs Your Auto AC Is Malfunctioning

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While most people understand common auto issues like alternator trouble, cooling system issues, and oil change requirements, few people understand how to deal with their car’s air conditioning system. If your previously reliable air conditioning starts to malfunction, you need to be able to identify the problem and have it addressed. Here are a few common issues and tips to deal with them. Cold Air Is Intermittent When you run your car’s air conditioning system, it should blow cold air constantly while it’s running.…

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3 Problems With Older Brake Systems That Could Cause Problems With Auto Restorations

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When you are doing a car restoration, there are many different repairs that need to be done. The brake systems in older cars may have problems with wear, as well as design defects that affect performance and overall safety. During the restoration of your classic car, there are some repairs and improvements that need to be done to avoid problems. Here are some of the problems that affect older brake systems and need to be addressed when doing restoration:…

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Windshield Cracking? Don't Make These Mistakes

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Did something crash against your windshield and cause a small crack? If so, you’ll want to avoid making these mistakes. Not Getting The Windshield Repaired Immediately The best time to get a windshield crack repaired is when the damage is at its smallest size. Windshield damage can easily spread as you continue to drive your car, and the bigger the crack, the more likely it will be that you need a windshield replacement.…

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