If you are going to be selling your car, you want to make sure you present it to prospective buyers in great shape. The better your car operates and looks, the more you will be able to ask for it, and the faster it will probably sell. Here are some tips to getting your car in better shape before you put it up for sale:
Make sure the tires are in good shape – Believe it or not, one of the first things many people like to do when looking at a car is point out the shape of the tires and see if they are going to need to be replaced soon.…
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If you need to have the windshield replaced in your vehicle, then you could be wondering about whether or not you will be responsible to pay for it. After all, you could be hoping that your car insurance company will cover the cost. These are a few tips that can help you get your insurance company to pay for your windshield replacement.
Take Pictures
First of all, any time that you are going to be filing a claim with your car insurance agency, it’s a good idea to take pictures.…
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There’s no doubting that some of the modern-day muscle cars being produced will one day be as collectible as their retro counterparts from the 1960s and 1970s. That’s especially true when it comes to limited edition models such as the Ford Mustang Bullitt, Dodge Challenger SRT Demon, and Chevrolet Camaro ZL1.
Just as the case is with classic muscle cars, the future collector’s value of your ride will highly depend on the condition of your car, as well as the records you maintain.…
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