Boating is a wonderful past time that allows people to spend time out on the water with family and friends. Buying a boat is a good first step, but a boat alone is not enough for a great and safe boating experience. There are a number of marine accessories that every boat owner should plan on buying after purchasing a boat. Some of the top marine accessories boat owners need include the following items.…
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You have a crack or chip on your windshield. You know you ought to have it repaired but are wondering how much time you have. Here are a few facts about auto glass repair that you need to know and that will help you decide how much time you have.
Temperature Changes
When temperatures change, the glass will expand and contract. Such an expansion and contraction sequence will cause the crack to worsen.…
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Replacing a transmission can be a large expense, which is why you want to make sure that you take proper care of your transmission so that you can avoid having to replace it and can instead just focus on maintaining your transmission.
Keep Your Transmission Fluid Full
As you go about your daily life, getting in and out of your vehicle, it can be easy to forget about the important fluids that keep your vehicle running.…
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