When you need to have auto body repairs done, there are many choices of improvements that can be done. Many of the repairs that you have done to the body of your car can help improve performance and handling, such as using lightweight panels to reduce weight or adding a spoiler to improve handling. Here are some of the auto body repairs and improvements that will improve the performance of your car:…
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One of the worst things you can hear from your mechanic is that your car’s transmission is busted — repairs and replacements are expensive and labor intensive. Thankfully, you have a few options available to your when your car needs a new transmission. You can either replace it with a new or used transmission or you can have your car’s existing transmission rebuilt by a professional mechanic. To help you decide on which option is right for both your car and your wallet, here’s how they compare.…
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The winter season can be hard on the internal components of your vehicle, as the low temperature and the poor driving conditions can drastically increase the amount of stress that your vehicle experiences. By the end of the winter season, your vehicle may be in dire need of maintenance to get it back to prime working condition again. Understanding what some of the most important end of season maintenance tasks are can help you complete them early and ensure that your vehicle is ready to handle the good summer weather.…
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