Being able to go where you need to each day is essential. This can allow you to get to work or enjoy your time off and spend time shopping. Having a truck to make your trips possible is sure to be foremost on your mind. It’s critical to keep this mode of transportation in good shape, or you could end up being stranded on the side of the road. Being aware of warning signs your truck may need some attention by a mechanic is sure to be helpful to you.…
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One kind of car maintenance that is very important to have done is an oil change. While this is something that can easily be forgotten throughout the year, not changing the oil can lead to engine problems that can lead to an expensive repair or replacement. Here are some things to look for to tell if you need an oil change.
The Color and Texture of the Oil
A lot can be said about the engine oil simply by looking at the oil.…
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Unfortunately, even if you are a careful driver, accidents can still happen. Most drivers will be involved in a collision at some point. In fact, on average there are a whopping 6 million car accidents each year in the US alone. Getting into an accident often leads to damage to your vehicle and even injury to yourself or other passengers. Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be a hassle, especially if your vehicle needs collision repair.…
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